About us

The Kitchissipi marina, a jewel, a pride to share.


Gatineau was born of the merger of five municipalities.
The city’s vast territory gives visitors a wide choice of activities and attractions.
Visitors can soak up the French and English cultures that blend to give Gatineau its characteristic ambiance.
Gatineau is a region where nature, culture and urban life combine to offer visitors a dream experience.
The enchanting calm of the natural parks, the enriching experience of the museums and the excitement of the bustling city will charm you during your visit to the Outaouais.
Discover the excitement of the Casino du Lac-Leamy, the tranquility of the parks and the thrill of the many festivals held in our region.
Outdoor enthusiasts will love the city’s cycling network and sports facilities.
In Gatineau, there’s something for everyone.


Our marina is a member of this association.

Nautisme Québec is a non-profit organization that represents the boating and recreational boating industry across Québec and Canada while promoting the Nautisme Québec brand.

It supports and advocates for its members in various areas, including boating safety, marinas, sustainable development, economic growth, nautical tourism, and water access.

Reserve your place now!

Reserve your place on our dock now for an unforgettable escapade along the Ottawa River.



It’s strange, to say the least, that this important body of water, located within the Golden Triangle (Rideau Canal, St. Lawrence River, Ottawa River) and recognized as one of Canada’s finest cruising grounds, and within Canada’s fourth-largest urban area, still doesn’t have the service found everywhere else.
There are two historical reasons for this.
The Outaouais River was dotted with sandbars, and log-driving operations were commonplace.
The construction of the Carillon dam solved the first problem, drowning the vast majority of sandbars under eight to ten feet of water; log-driving operations also ceased.

For several years now, a number of regional and institutional stakeholders, as well as private companies, have seen the need for a marina to meet the needs of boaters on the Ottawa River. As far back as 1978, a group of boaters identified the Parc Sanscartier site as being particularly favourable for the establishment of a marina.
At the time, however, the level of pollution in the water was very high.
This situation was resolved with the commissioning of the regional wastewater treatment plant in Gatineau.
In February 1983, Francis Lavigne submitted the marina project to the City of Gatineau, and the first joint committee, comprising the 3 founders Francis Lavigne, Bernard Bélec and Pierre Larose, was formed on May 11, 1983, following a memorandum of understanding between the City of Gatineau and the Kitchissipi Yacht Club.
To realize this project, a non-profit club was incorporated by the boaters involved, the Club Nautique Kitchissipi or if you prefer ‘Marina Kitchissipi’, which in 1985 was amended to ‘Marina Kitchissipi de Gatineau’.
The word Kitchissipi means ‘Blue Heron’ or ‘Spirit of the Great River’ in the First Nations language.

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